Tacoma gay bar

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After two years had passed, he bought out all of her interests in the building and was the sole owner. John Martinolich, of the shipbuilding family, to open up a business called “Steve’s Tavern” on 5238-40 South Tacoma Way.

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In its prime it had huge neon signs that pointed the way to “South Tacoma’s newest dining hot spot” and could hold around 700 people in the building itself! (Figure 1) So, let us go back and examine how this whimsical establishment called Steve’s Gay ‘90s dazzled the music scene of South Tacoma Way during the 1900s. In fact, in this exact building lies what used to be Steve’s Gay ‘90s Bar, a popular restaurant and music venue that hosted many great performers. (Figure 2) To an individual who may not know much about this building’s history, the first glance of the outer appearance may seem bleak under the overcast clouds, depressing, lonely, and nearing the end of its time.

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In 2018, huddled in the dusty dilapidated corner of a slowly deteriorating building on South Tacoma Way lies the recently closed down restaurant of what used to be called, “Ah Badabing Pizzeria” right next to a quaint little Subway sandwich shop.

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Figure 2: Steve’s Gay 90s location, 2018.

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